
Klikkaussota / Tourette-karaoke (2015)

5 min documentary film
Pohjola-filmi 2015

Klikkaussota is a part of the Dox@Net -project initiated by Finnish Film Foundation, YLE, and AVEK. Dox@Net was aimed at exploring new ways of presenting documentary films online.

Tourette-karaoke – being one of the five short films in Pohjola-filmi’s Klikkaussota series – is a short film introducing a group of enthusiastic karaoke singers, who also happen to be living with Tourette’s syndrome.

Directed by Salla Sorri
Cinematography Päivi Kettunen
Editing by Tuuli Alanärä & Hanna Kuirinlahti
Music production Miki Brunou
Sound design Ville Katajala

  • Photo © Pohjola-filmi